IV Therapy Options
For Alameda County & Contra Costa County, CA
Inflammation, bacterial overgrowth, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, dysbiosis, chronic stress – these are just a few of the conditions that can result from a comprised Gastrointestinal (GI) System. The GI is the essential organ of nutrient assimilation. When it is not functioning properly, your entire health suffers. ¬¬
Where any of these conditions are longstanding, our nutritive therapies are essential in rebuilding a body toward optimal health. These therapies bypass the GI and deliver high doses of vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids and botanicals to your body, bathing your cells with the essential nutrients they need to do their job, properly. These powerful tools help the entire body in its effort to heal. Learn More >
Think of your body as its own planet surrounded by air brimming with microbes, viruses, molds and fungi that can compromise your vitality. The healthier your terrain, the easier it is to fight off the invasive organism that can cause disease. Only when your body’s terrain is compromised, can these diseases enter and take root.
Our treatments address the weakened terrain, help you repair and help you rebuild. Once we determine the type and cause of the infectious disease, we address it on multiple levels. We take a individualized approach employing treatments effective in reducing pathogenic organisms, regenerating tissue, enhancing immune function and aiding in cellular waste elimination. Learn More >
Many of us have experienced brain fog, persistent aches, memory loss and exhaustion – some more than others. Our Doctors have seen cases of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia rise significantly over the past decade. These conditions can make a person feel hopeless. They certainly prevent you from living life to its fullest. Countless doctors have offered theories, drugs and treatments that provide only temporary relief, at best.
At Bay Area Center for Nutritive Therapy, we understand that no two cases of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are the same. We employ a personalized approach to treating disease which has proven especially effective for resolving these chronic conditions. We examine multiple body systems and make individualized diagnosis that treat your health concerns by strengthen the weakened systems within your body and provide you with a nutritive therapy that enhances your health. It can be a long road back to optimal health and function. Our team has walked it with many others and we are committed to walking it with you. Learn More >
Each person presents on their journey differently, so our treatments are specialized to that person. Whether it’s newly diagnosed cancer, on going treatment or post-cancer treatment, we employ time tested natural medicines and the latest biomedical research to support patients in all situations. Our goals are to boost your immune system and palliate your symptoms so you can use your energy to heal.
Quality of life issues are at the center of our treatments. We use many different interventions to support you in symptom palliation such as diet, exercise, detoxification, intravenous therapies, pharmaceutical therapies and mind-body modalities. Our goal in doing Integrative Cancer Support is to provide a place where patient with a cancer diagnosis can feel supported and understood, so they can use their deepest reserves to improve their outcome. Learn More >
Unfortunately, it seems that there is much in the world these days that gets us anxious. Here in the Bay Area, many of us are overwhelmed and significantly depleted from the pace of our lives. As our stressors mount, overwhelming anxiety can result. Our two prone approach employs nutritive therapies to interrupt the acute anxiety cycle. We, then, shift to therapies that address chronic stress and supports neurotransmitter depletion which helps your start feeling like your self again.
All the neurological diseases start with chronic neurological inflammation. Migraines, Tension Headaches, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and PTSD all have chronic neurological inflammation at their core. These conditions can make a person feel hopeless, they certainly prevent living life to its fullest. At Bay Area Center for Nutritive Therapy, we understand that no two cases of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are the same. We employ a personalized approach to treatment which has proven especially effective for resolving these chronic conditions. It can be a long road back to optimal health and function. We’ve walked it with many others and we are committed to helping you. Learn More >
Here at Bay Area Center for Nutrient Therapy, our goal is to help alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life. For more information about the therapies we provide, contact us today! We proudly provide compassionate service to patients throughout the Alameda County and Contra Costa County, CA areas.